È arrivata l'estate: non abbandonare il tuo amico peloso!

Summer has arrived: don't abandon your furry friend!

nicola schirripa

Summer has arrived: don't abandon your furry friend!

In fact, summer is a season of joy and fun but, unfortunately, it also brings with it a sad phenomenon: the abandonment of pets. With this article we want to send a message of awareness: don't abandon your pet but travel with your furry friend!

Don't abandon your furry friend


The abandonment of pets in the summer is an increasingly widespread problem that puts the lives of many pets at risk.

In fact, people often decide to release and abandon their pets because they don't want to take care of them during the holidays, they don't know who to leave them with or they believe that the animals are not suitable for the hot climate.

Moschino furry friend However, abandoning pets is deeply wrong and cruel.
In fact, pets are completely dependent on their owners for food, water, affection and care.
Abandoning them means depriving them of everything they need to survive, consigning them to a ruthless fate, not having been used to living autonomously and self-sufficiently.

In this article, here are some viable alternatives to abandoning pets.



Pensions for pets

The first and increasingly popular solution is to leave it at home with food, water and enough space to move around, as long as your trip isn't too long.
In fact, your furry friends may not be used to a long absence and could seriously suffer from it.
If you have to be away for very long periods, ask someone among friends and relatives to come by the house at least once a day to get in touch with your pet , so that he can have human warmth and not make him feel totally abandoned.



Pet friends

Ask friends or relatives to take care of it during your absence, especially if your furry friend is already familiar with such people or they also have a pet.

This way he would suffer less from the separation and having another pet would help him deal with your absence.



They are hospitable and comfortable structures, ideal for being able to leave your pet during your absence for a short period or for several weeks.

In the most sophisticated and well-kept there are no cages or barriers; the animals do not suffer from socialization problems. The structures vary according to the type to which they belong, but generally the best ones have all the comforts to make the animals feel at ease. In boarding houses with open spaces there are often educators who take care of making them play to keep them active during their stay and make them socialize with other dogs.

pets pensions 2

To choose the right boarding house for your pets, it is important to pay attention to several aspects that are fundamental.

Some precautions to keep in mind

When choosing the most suitable shelter for your pet , there are some small precautions to keep in mind.

Here are some small tips:

  1. ascertain whether the chosen facility has licenses and permits attesting to the ability to operate legally. The pet owner has the right to ask for the appropriate documentation to demonstrate that they have the authorization to operate regularly and safely. Furthermore, the professional residences also ask for the documentation concerning the animal, concerning chip certifications, the vaccination card. They can check his health before he leaves;
  2. pay a visit to the pension, so as to take a quick look at the hygienic-sanitary conditions, the behavior of the managers and educators and the atmosphere that reigns in the environment;
  3. When it's time to leave your pet for boarding, try not to traumatize him. Once the structure has been chosen, it is advisable to visit it several times with him to familiarize him with the environment, the other animals and the people who worked there. That way, when he's alone, he'll be in a familiar place.
  4. don't forget about toys, his bowls, or anything else he's very fond of. In this way he will get used to it more easily;
  5. evaluate your pet's habits;
  6. search for the structures in your city in time and make sure that the services they offer are suitable for your needs and those of your furry friend.



If for one reason or another you can't leave your pet at home or in a suitable shelter… well, all you have to do is travel together !

Traveling with your pet can be a wonderful experience, but it requires proper planning.

Here are 5 tips to keep in mind to enjoy a travel experience with your furry friend.

A) Prepare properly before the trip

-Make sure you have all the necessary documents, such as a pet passport and up-to-date vaccinations.
-Consider buying a crate or carrier that fits your pet's size.
In fact, to travel with animals it is often mandatory to carry a completed and updated health booklet, and a passport, especially if the chosen destination is outside the EU.
Furthermore, it is important to have the animals given a general check-up by the vet before leaving. It is also essential to find out if there are specific health obligations in the chosen destination, such as vaccines and microchips.
Once in order with the documentation, it is necessary to think about how to travel with animals in total safety and which means of transport to choose to stress them as little as possible.

B) Check if your destination is pet-friendly

When choosing your summer vacation destination, it's important to make sure it's pet-friendly .
Many accommodation facilities such as hotels, bed & breakfasts and farmhouses offer specific services for animals, such as dedicated areas for their rest and recreation, bowls for food and water and safe outdoor spaces.
Furthermore, many Italian beaches have areas specifically reserved for animals where they can run freely and swim.
Before booking, be sure to check whether the accommodation or destination you have chosen is actually pet-friendly so that you don't have to worry once you arrive at your destination.

C) Choose the most suitable means of transport for your furry friend

Animals react differently to changes. Dogs, for example, suffer more from being separated from their owners. Cats, on the other hand, have a hard time adapting to new places.
Whether it is a more or less sociable animal, the choice of means of transport and the precautions to be taken are really important.

  • CAR : Traveling by car with pets is perhaps the easiest way. To do this safely, the animals must remain separated from the driver's seat, through a separator or through the use of the pet carrier.

The pet carrier is the safest accessory, as the animal has its own delimited space where it can feel comfortable and rest during the journey.
Alternatively, you can use specific seat belts for animals, which allow them to sit or lie down freely without running any risks.
In any case, remember to take frequent breaks during the journey, so that your pet can exercise and do its business.

  • TRAIN : To travel by train with pets, it is necessary to use pet carriers no larger than 70x30x50. Each passenger can bring only one kennel with them and the transport is free. In the case of large dogs, on the other hand, an extra ticket must be purchased for them and it is necessary to keep them on a leash and wear a muzzle.

It should be remembered that the owners are solely responsible for the behavior of the dogs, cats or other animals and for respecting the rules.

  • BY PLANE : Almost all airlines accept the transport of animals in the cabin or in the hold, but the dimensions of the kennels and the rules to be respected are at the discretion of the individual companies.

In general, pets under 10 kg can be transported in the cabin, while large ones in the hold.
To ensure a seat for your pet, it is best to get in time and contact the airline with which you want to travel. In the event of a stopover, we also recommend that you find out about the rules of the country in which you will be stopping, to be prepared and equipped with all the necessary documentation.

  • SHIP : In the case of transfers by ship with car embarkation, the animals, dogs and cats, must be in possession of a certificate of good health signed by the vet and cannot under any circumstances remain alone in the personal vehicle.

Dogs must be kept on a leash, wear a muzzle and, if they stay overnight on the ship, large ones must be left in the kennels on board. Cats, on the other hand, can be kept in the carrier.

Always check the animal transport policies of the various companies.


D) Take care of your pet on the go!

Make sure you have adequate insurance coverage for your pet, which protects it from any accidents or illnesses during the trip.
Carry a sufficient supply of food and water for your furry friend, as well as his favorite toys and a blanket or pillow for him to rest.
Watch out for high temperatures during keeping and try to avoid exposing your pet to excessive heat.
Always consult your veterinarian for specific advice on traveling with your pet , especially if it has special needs or pathologies.

E) Remember to respect the surrounding environment and to collect your pet's faeces during walks .


travel with your furry friend

Bottom line, traveling with pets during the summer can be a wonderful experience, but it does require proper preparation and attention to your furry friend's needs.

By following the advice and precautions indicated in this mini-guide, you will be able to enjoy an unforgettable holiday in the company of your pet.

For all these reasons, we have created a special collection dedicated exclusively to " four-legged travel " where you can find items for traveling in the company of your beloved pet !

Among these we have thought of various models of pet carriers , pallets and other useful gadgets for your trip with friends!

Don't abandon your furry friend in the summer but take care of it and take it with you on vacation if you can.

Remember: dream, live and travel , but doing it together is even more beautiful!

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