Post-vacantion blues

"Post-vacation blues”: 10 tips for dealing with post-travel depression!

nicola schirripa

In this article we will talk about " Post-vacation blues " and try to understand how to deal with post-trip depression.

end of trip

In fact, post-travel depression is a very common problem among those who have just finished an exciting trip or an unforgettable vacation. Holidays and trips are special moments in the life of each of us. They are an opportunity to get away from the daily routine, relax and discover new places.

So, after days or weeks of discoveries, adventures and unforgettable moments, returning to everyday life can leave an emotional void.



The post-vacation blues or post-holidays blues is a psycho-physical response dictated by the return to everyday life, different from the quiet and relaxed rhythms of the holiday.

It is a type of syndrome characterized by melancholic, depressive and/or anxious symptoms that can appear immediately after returning from holidays.

In fact, returning to work, school or your daily routine is not easy for anyone but for some it can be even more difficult.

However, unlike actual depression, post vacation blues is a transitory condition and much easier to recover from.

It manifests itself in various ways, different for each person, but the most common symptoms include:

  1. sadness and melancholy: you may feel sad or disconnected from everyday life;
  2. tiredness and fatigue: the return can be physically and mentally exhausting;
  3. nostalgia: you may miss the happy moments experienced during the trip;
  4. difficulty concentrating: the mind can constantly wander to memories of the trip.
  5. Loss of interest: You may lose interest in daily activities and responsibilities.

Scientific research has shown that the most common symptoms can include both the mental and physical spheres (the (all could derive from the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system) and can include:

Mental symptoms : apathy/flattened emotions, feeling of dizziness, difficulty concentrating, lack of initiative, irritability/nervousness, increased anxiety levels, which can be accompanied by melancholy, demoralization/sadness, mood swings, sense of emptiness.

Physical symptoms : exhaustion, muscle pain or tension, fatigue (all of which is not justified by intense physical activity or other activities), headaches, decreased quality of sleep/insomnia, digestion problems.



For many people, holidays represent the only moment of detachment from the normal daily routine , from stress, from the thoughts and worries of every day.

A space where you can take care of yourself, detaching yourself from everyday life and where body and mind can slow down the pace.

Precisely for this reason, returning from a trip or holiday and returning to full rhythms can generate a state of unease.

Among other things, it has been observed that post vacation blues occurs not only after a prolonged period of vacation but also after a few weeks, so it is much more frequent than one might think.




The causes of this syndrome depend, as already mentioned, on the return to the obligations of everyday life. It has been demonstrated that the condition in question occurs when one of the following causes occurs:

  • the life of a holidaymaker is over: schedules, commitments, obligations are back on the agenda;
  • the holidays are over and the trip didn't go so well: missed expectations. You waited a long time but in the end the holidays didn't go as you hoped and the return to work is even harder because you deluded yourself of the perfect trip and/or holiday but your expectations were disappointed;
  • the environment and the people you met while traveling are not part of your daily life and are starting to be missed;
  • the sense of guilt for the excesses and small "slips" of the holidays begins to weigh on you;
  • the work you do is not totally satisfying or the environment is hostile or negative;
  • lack of social proximity: If you have traveled with friends or family, separation can cause loneliness and isolation;
  • Lack of next goals: After enthusiastically planning your trip, the return can make you feel like there's nothing to look forward to.

All these factors can lead to a bad experience when returning from the trip and at the end of the holidays.



Fortunately, post vacation blues is a transitory condition that normally lasts a few weeks but, in some cases, could be prolonged, sometimes highlighting more serious and long-lasting latent problems linked to anxiety and depression . In these cases, it is advisable to talk to a specialized doctor.





In fact, small precautions can be taken to reduce the physical and emotional impact of returning from a trip or holiday.

Here are some practical tips to implement!

  • Set aside some time before departure to prepare, slowing down the pace so you can get used to it mentally and physically;
  • Don't return the day before resuming your routine but try to anticipate your return so as to have a few days of "settling in" to prepare for your activities;
  • Leave the house tidy, so that everything is ready when you return, taking less time to possibly reorganize the newfound environment;
  • Resume a healthy diet, especially if this has changed during the holidays;
  • Continue to carve out moments of relaxation and leisure, even if small: in this way you feel the "weight" of the return and daily responsibilities less;
  • Try starting again in small steps, without wanting to do everything right away;
  • Set yourself realistic goals, initially "lowering the bar" to which you were accustomed.



  1. Remember happy moments: keep photos and memories of your trip. Reviewing them can reduce sadness and bring back positive moments.
  2. Resume your routine gradually: Avoid overloading yourself immediately after returning. Resume your activities gradually to ease the transition.
  3. Pamper yourself: take a few moments of the day to slow down, like a nice bath or an afternoon in the open air.
  4. Keep in touch: Stay in touch with the people you met during the trip or those who shared it with you. Sharing memories and planning get-togethers can help you feel less isolated.
  5. Unpack your suitcase as soon as possible : leaving your suitcase lying around or your house in disarray won't help you get back into everyday life
  6. Set new goals: Create new plans and goals for the future, so you have something to look forward to.
  7. Maintain a healthy lifestyle: balanced nutrition, exercise and a good sleep routine can help improve your emotional state.
  8. Meditation and mindfulness: The practice of meditation can help manage stress and find emotional balance.
  9. Talk to someone: Sharing your feelings with a friend or therapist can be extremely beneficial.
  10. Plan your next trip: Having something to look forward to can help you overcome post-trip depression.




Post-travel depression is a very common emotional reaction to returning from a vacation or trip.
It is important to recognize this condition and adopt strategies to deal with it in a healthy and effective way.
Remember that it's normal to feel a little down after a trip, but with time and the right measures, you can get back to normal and start working.
However, if you are struggling with post-travel depression and need support, don't hesitate to speak to a mental health professional.
Your emotional health is important, and there are resources available to help you overcome this challenge and get back to fully enjoying your daily life.

Dream, live and travel!

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