Scoprire la Sicilia: un gioiello nascosto nella Sicilia orientale, Buccheri – parte 2

Discovering Sicily: a hidden jewel in eastern Sicily, Buccheri – part 2

nicola schirripa

Welcome back fellow travelers to the second and last part of this mini guide dedicated to a hidden jewel in eastern Sicily , Buccheri .

In this article we speak exclusively of its natural beauties and in particular of the Gola della Stretta, Del Bosco della Contessa and the Pineta di Santa Maria.


In the heart of wonderful eastern Sicily, there is an enchanting canyon , surrounded by majestic rock walls and surrounded by lush Mediterranean vegetation, a true paradise for nature lovers and hikers.
The Gola della Stretta is located in the province of Syracuse, a few kilometers from the center of Buccheri .
And in fact, from Buccheri, visitors can follow a panoramic path that will lead them directly to the gorge, offering unforgettable views of the Sicilian countryside right from the walk.
This canyon has been sculpted over the millennia by the incessant action of the waters of the Mazzarino torrent, i.e. the San Leonardo river which laps the northern end of the Iblei, wetting the territories of Buccheri, Francofonte and Lentini, ideally dividing the province of Syracuse from that of Catania.

Gorge of the Buccheri strait

[Photo by Seby Scollo ]

1.1. The natural landscape

The Gola della Stretta (due to their orography) is compared to the much better known "Gole dell'Alcantara" but the latter are placed inside lava walls which are also narrow and difficult to explore, while the Gola della Stretta is made up of limestone walls , typical of the Iblean quarries . The torrential nature of the Mazzarino allows you to make the excursion by canoe only in the winter period, as the stream is completely dry or almost dry in the summer.
The Gola della Stretta is a rich and diverse ecosystem, home to a wide range of plants and animals. The vegetation that covers the rocky walls includes holm oaks, carob trees, mastic trees and wild olive trees, creating a magnificent fusion of colors and scents. The gorge is also famous for its endemic flora, with several rare and protected species finding refuge in this protected environment.

Gorge of the narrow Buccheri Syracuse

[Photo edited by Seby neckline ]

1.2. Visitor activities

Gola della Stretta offers multiple activities for visitors looking to explore this wonderful nature reserve. Numerous well-signposted trails criss-cross the area (but often left unattended, alas !), offering opportunities for hiking or mountain biking, which allow you to get a close-up view of the scenic beauty of the gorge.
While hiking , you can reach lookout points that offer spectacular views of the canyon and surrounding countryside.
For climbing enthusiasts there are also rock walls suitable for practicing this exciting discipline.
Along the way, you can make stops to admire the waterfalls, natural pools and fascinating rock formations, offering an unforgettable experience in contact with nature.

[Photo edited by Seby neckline ]

1.3. Local legends and myths

If you love local myths and legends, the Gola della Stretta is the right place for you!
One of these tells of a mysterious creature that would inhabit the depths of the gorge. According to the story, on full moon nights, an enigmatic shadow materializes among the rocks, attracting the curiosity of the locals.
Some claim to have heard strange cries and moans coming from the throat, attributing these sounds to the eerie presence of the creature.
Another fascinating legend concerns an ancient treasure hidden inside the gorge. A powerful highwayman is said to have buried a large amount of jewels and gold coins in one of the most remote and inaccessible caves in the gorge.
Many adventurers have searched for the treasure over the years, but no one has yet managed to find it. The story of the lost treasure continues to fuel the imagination of those who visit the Gola della Stretta, creating an atmosphere of mystery and adventure.
Besides the legends, the Gola della Stretta is also associated with more historical tales.
During the period of the Saracen invasions in Sicily, the gorge is said to have been the scene of clashes between the Saracens and the Norman soldiers.
These clashes would have left an indelible mark on the history of the area, making the gorge a place of historical and cultural interest.

1.4. The legend of the "Bell of Sant'Antonio"

Among the more recent stories it is worth mentioning the local legend of the " Bell of Sant'Antonio " according to which the bell of the old Church of Sant'Antonio was found in these places, which collapsed following the earthquake of 1693.
According to the local myth, on a particularly violent night of storm from the Church of Sant'Antonio (destroyed in the earthquake of 1963) due to a lightning bolt the heavy brass bell would have detached which, carried a little by the rainwater accumulated a bit on the natural slope, would have reached the current site of the Gorge, giving life to a splendid body of water, called Uruvu ("lake") of Sant'Antonio .
But it doesn't end there!
In fact, according to local traditions, this bell was really special because it offered protection from evil spirits and evil. By falling, this impressive feature would have been transferred to the water which would have acquired its protective characteristics.
For this reason, the Gorge would be an oasis of peace and serenity where you can breathe deeply all the beauty of nature.



This wood that surrounds the upper part of the Sicilian village of Buccheri is so called because it once belonged to the ancient fiefdom of the “ Gulfara ” owned by the Countess of Buscemi Giulia Ventimiglia – Requisenz .
It extends from the slopes of Monte Contessa which, with its 914 meters, is the second highest relief in the Province of Syracuse.
It is currently owned by the Regional State Property.

Photo forest countess

2.1. Why visit it?

The richness of this forest is due to the breathtaking views and the rich vegetation which includes numerous plant species such as holm oaks, Turkey oaks, cork oaks, chestnuts and other typical features of the Mediterranean maquis.
Over the years there have been many interventions initiated by the state property for the conservation of this vegetation, which risked abandonment. The objective, therefore, is that of protection and above all of restoring the original species and making sure that what has been lost over the years can be recovered.
In the heart of winter, when the temperatures drop considerably and the snow whitens the Hyblaean village, these woods become real enchanted places, full of charm and mystery .

Bosco della Contessa a buccheri

2.2. The forest oasis of peace

One of the most beautiful things about Bosco della Contessa is the atmosphere of peace and serenity that you breathe.
Here you can get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and immerse yourself in a rejuvenating natural environment.
The sound of the wind in the trees and birdsong will envelop you, allowing you to rediscover a sense of inner calm.
It is the ideal place to practice meditation, yoga or simply to take a break and regenerate in the midst of nature.

Wood of the Countess

2.3. The activities that can be undertaken

The path through the woods is flat and well signposted, therefore quite safe even for families with children and inexperienced hikers.
It can be covered on foot or by bicycle (obviously it cannot be turned on by motor vehicles).

A few meters from the entrance there is a crossroads: continuing to the left you arrive at the "Case di San Bartolo" a vast area equipped for picnics.

Continuing straight instead, you arrive at a second crossroads.
Hence two different choices for the traveller:
- going to the right, continue towards "la Casa della Contessa", a dead-end path, however, unless you want to leave the path and immerse yourself in the bush;
- continuing to the left, on the other hand, you enter the woods through a circular route that winds for about six kilometers and then ends at the same entrance (starting point).

circular route the Countess



The pine forest is located almost 1.5 km from the Sanctuary of the Madonna delle Grazie and extends up to the top of Monte Lauro, which belongs to the chain of the Iblei Mountains and is part of a submarine volcanic complex that is no longer active.
The pine forest, also known as Bosco di Santa Maria, hosts an area equipped for lovers of open-air picnics and for families who want to enjoy the spring or cool mountain summers in Sicily.
The peculiarity are the seats, tables and lava stone barbecues , which can be used by everyone to make nice grills.
However, nowadays the picnic area is only accessible for a fee as it is granted to private management.
Beyond this area, the pine forest remains a free area where it is possible to go trekking in the woods.
The paths, often uphill, can also be traveled by bicycle even if - I warn you - some stretches can be really difficult.

3.1. The pine forest of Santa Maria a Buccheri and the Templar testimonies

The pine forest is rich not only in natural beauty but also in history that is linked to local legends.
For example, here are the remains of an ancient church belonging to the confraternity of the Friars of Santa Maria Fontana Murata, unfortunately almost completely destroyed so that only part of the foundations remain, very close to that of the Templars.
This is important as it further testifies to the ancient origins of Buccheri and its link with one of the most important and controversial religious orders of the medieval era.
The location away from the center was strategic: here you could enjoy the rest of body and soul, thanks to the natural beauties.
It is also said that one of the Nails that pierced Jesus Christ was brought here before it was then brought to Milan.

Furthermore, a small stream flows on the slopes of the mountain which was used by wandering monks for refreshment.
According to a local legend, the waters of this stream were miraculous: whoever plunged into it was immediately healed of all ailments. In particular, it would have had the ability to heal from leprosy and scabies.

It was thanks to these stories that Buccheri and the Pineta di Santa Maria became an important religious center, as well as a cultural and folkloristic one.


There would be so much to say about the history, myths and local tales of this medieval village in eastern Sicily, but we don't want to bore you: the purpose of these articles is to make you dream and to let you discover (without any claim to exhaustiveness) a small hidden jewel.

However, if the history of this small town has conquered you, we recommend some reading that could satiate your curiosity and your desire for adventure and through which you can deepen certain themes only mentioned here.



A special thanks deserves Seby Scollo who made these wonderful shots that best represent this hidden jewel in eastern Sicily, Buccheri.

If these images have made you emotional, as indeed happens to us, we advise you to take a look at his social profiles: Seby will also tell you about the most beautiful corners of this small Sicilian village, so much so that it will be impossible not to fall in love with it.

Instagram links: HERE .

Facebook links: HERE .

Special thanks also to Professor Interlandi , a man of great culture and wisdom, who guided us along the route of the Gole della Stretta and told us many of the details that we have tried to convey to you (obviously not with the same precision and the same charm).

We hope we have left you with a pinch of the beauty of this Sicilian village, and I hope you can visit it at least once.
Remember: dream, live and travel.

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